Global G.A.P. is the standard for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) which encourages the adoption of best practice processes and practices in relation to farming, cultivation, produce, and livestock.
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Bioagricert is one of the leading certification bodies for organic agricultural productions and quality in Italy. Bioagricert has been helping farms to obtain certifications for their products and processes in compliance with national and international regulations since 1984.
Agroquality S.p.A., part of the RINA group, operates on the Agrifood market providing certifications pertaining to food safety, compliance, and valorisation of intrinsic product qualities.
Check Fruit is a Certification Body accredited by Accredia that specialises in the Agrifood sector for the following certifications: UNI EN ISO 9001; UNI EN ISO 22005 (Traceability in the feed and food chain); Integrated Production Systems (UNI 11233).
To protect and promote I.G.P Calabria’s clementines has been established the consortium for the protection of the I.G.P. ”Calabria’s Clementines”, entity that encloses within in producers who carry out their activity in I.G.P production territory ”Calabria’s Clementines” according to established procedures in production specification.